Grow Your Own Colour (paperback)


Experience the joy of growing dye flowers and indigo no matter how little space you have, whether it’s a window box, balcony or garden. Find out how common garden flowers like marigold, cosmos and many others can be used to dye fabric in a variety of incredible colours and patterns.

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Have you’ve thought about trying natural dyeing but you’re worried the colours might fade? Perhaps you’re put off by special equipment you might need. This book demystifies the process and will help you get started in the simplest way.

Create beautiful unique textiles while also connecting with nature on a deeper level through the art of natural dyeing. This craft is a wonderful way to destress and relax, it encourages mindfulness, and is a beautiful way to tap into your innate creativity.

Here’s what’s included:

  • how to start gardening if you’ve never done it before
  • no-dig gardening methods
  • starting seeds indoors vs direct sowing in the ground
  • how to grow, harvest and dye with 9 different dye plants
  • these plants are covered: Japanese indigo, Hopi Black Dye sunflower, French marigold, African marigold, dyer’s chamomile, coreopsis, sulphur cosmos, purple pincushion, hollyhock (and a couple of other bonus types of cosmos)
  • harvesting & drying flowers
  • saving seeds & cross-pollination
  • dyeing projects for your homegrown flowers
  • how to make patterns on cloth
  • bundle dyeing, flower hammering, immersion dyeing (in a dye pot), darkening & painting with iron, modifying the pH of dye
  • different recipes for silk and plant fibres
  • how to test colour fastness on fabric (i.e. how long the dye lasts)
  • where to buy dried flowers if you just can’t wait to grow your own!
  • where to buy seeds (worldwide)

136 pages.

Rebecca Desnos will help you get started with natural dyeing in the simplest way. This book guides you through the process as you create beautiful dyes and patterns with the colourful plants from your garden.

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